Islamic Republic Spying Ring in Spain Is Identified and Disabled by Continuous and Hard Work of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fadaii Guerrillas (OIPFG) Activists.
In the past several years, Spain has become one of the main spying centers for the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These spying activities were intensified by the appointment of Morteza Safarian Natanzi as regime’s ambassador in Spain. In the past two years the spying agents of the regime infiltrated the UN offices in Spain and had access to the files of the Iranian dissidents. Their application files for political asylum were routinely tampered with and their documents were falsified. Consequently many of the asylum cases were later denied and their family members back in Iran were harassed by the government officials.
Reza Rezaeian one of the nephews of Rezaeian (embassy officials in Madrid), is at the center of this spying ring. In the past two years, tens of regime’s secret police agents have taken up residence in Spain using false identities as merchants and businessmen. All this made us take action and perform our duties on behalf of the Iranian dissidents in Spain. We worked hard to identify and disclose the identity of the key elements of the regime’s spying network. After completion of our investigation we provided all our findings along with the undeniable supporting documents to both the UN and the Spain officials with a request to end the illegal operations of the ring. So far as a result of this investigation, names of 18 agents have been identified and their information is given to the Spanish officials. At this point, we do not think public release of these names and documents helps the ongoing investigation and to the contrary it my help the suspects to escape or prevent a fair trail. These names and documents will be released to the public at some later time.
During this investigation and fact finding process 12 Iranian, who are currently residing in Santander Spain, whose applications for political asylum were denied by the UN and are victims of these spying operations were presented as witnesses to the Spain officials.
We are happy to announce that due to tireless work of our organization, both the UN and the government of Spain have accepted our charges against these individuals and based on the evidences that were provided have taken three elements of the spying ring into custody. In addition to Reza Rezaeian and one more embassy official, a third person arrested in this case is Mrs. Maria, a UN layer, who illegally had been passing the dissidents’ confidential information to Reza Rezaeian.
Hispan TV network and goals of the Islamic Republic spying activities
Since the establishment of Hispan TV network in December 2012 in Madrid, this network has become a huge propaganda machine for the Islamic Republic. While pushing and advertising Islamic Sharia among Spanish speaking countries in Latin America, this network has constantly tried to influence and financially keep some of the Spain’s influential political figures “happy”. In this regard, regime’s agents have been able to get close to some of these officials in order to pursue their spying agenda in Spain. One of the key individuals cooperating with the regime is a person named Joseph Fernadez who is the head of the Spanish Muslim Society. He previously worked at Radio Prague and has traveled to Iran to receive special trainings.
Hispan TV in Spain operates through a maze of secretive and complicated structures. It receives supports from various Islamic councils and societies in Spain. As an example, UCIDE (Union of Islamic Communities in Spain) is in line with the spying operations of the TV station and has continuously been collecting and providing information to the regime’s agents.
The following individuals are the principal members of the UCIDE;
· Riay Tatary (President)
· Yusuf Fernandez (Vice president)
· Mounir Benjelloun
· Amparo Sanchez (who on the surface is director of the Valencia Islamic cultural center)
In addition, Mr. Pour-Pezeshk, manager of the Iranian Cultural Attaché in Madrid, who was in direct contact with the heads of the Barcelona Shiite-Imamieh Cultural Society (a front organization cooperating with the spying operations of the Hispan TV) was asked to return to Iran after his spying role was exposed.
Under these new circumstances, we suggest all the Iranian dissidents whose political asylum cases were denied in the past and who still reside in Spain to consider resubmitting their applications for reconsideration.
Organization of Iranian People’s Fadaii Guerillas
February 24, 2013
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