Mr. Régis Debray,
You recently published an article in the French newspaper Le Monde about your recent travel to Iran (LE MONDE | 24.01.2014). You claimed that your short stay in Tehran and Qom was sufficient enough to clear your biased attitude toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. I believe I have a duty to address your claims and to show that they are indicative of your support of a reactionary regime for your own agenda.
In your article, you attempted to exonerate the Islamic Republic of Iran simply by assessing that there were a greater number of internet users in Iran than Turkey and a greater number of female college students than male. Then you tried to blame your country’s politics during the Iran-Iraq war while vindicating the Islamic Republic of Iran from any wrong doing.
The most interesting part in your article is what you wrote about your claims at the end. You knew that you have no right to analyse the legitimacy of the Iranian regime during your short stay in Iran by simply looking at the two pieces of data mentioned above. You wrote, “I, as a historian of religions who is not proficient in politics, I cannot claim that I’m an Iranian scholar therefore, my brief analysis of perceptions cannot be correct”.
Mr. Régis Debray,
Your records indicate that you are a politician and not a historian. In your youth, you published a book called “Revolution in Revolution”. Your book once inspired many young revolutionaries in many countries, including Iran. Your book once was a popular book in Iran and was read many times by many young Iranian activists including myself. You even traveled to Latin America and fought alongside Che Guevara. You were also a consultant to President Mitterrand. Therefore, you as a politician and not as a historian are defending the Islamic Republic of Iran, the regime with the most political prisoners, murders, and violence rarely seen in history.
Mr. Régis Debray,
In my opinion if you want to consider yourself a historian, politician, extreme revisionist, or even a visitor, how you can allow yourself to cover undeniable fact about the Iranian regime. I would like to bring to your attention some facts about Islamic Republic of Iran. According to UN documents, this regime has been sentenced more than 56 times for human rights violations. The Islamic Republic of Iran has already executed hundreds of thousands of its citizens all over Iran, especially in Central Iran, Kurdistan, Baluchistan, Khuzestan, Azerbaijan, and has created the harshest dictatorship regime. In August 1988, a three member board executed more than ten thousand political prisoners in less than a week, according to the documents provided by the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini.
As a politician you might want to be aware of the following fact. This regime has already assassinated nine of its opponents in your country and in all cases, all of the murderers have been returned to Iran in exchange for economic contracts.
I cannot say enough that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been terrorising its citizens during the past three decades and is a major sponsor of terrorism in the world. This is supported by undeniable documents.
Your stay in Iran is quite understandable and I get it for the following reason. For a few weeks, owners of Peugeot and Renault companies have been negotiating a new deal with the Iranian regime and they were unsuccessful. It is not easy to market Peugeot and Renault over a Mercedes Benz or an Audi so that is why you needed to rush to Iran to facilitate the deal. To close the deal, even the French Ambassador’s wife during an award ceremony for the Kayhan’s writers was wearing a headscarf! French action reminded me a famous proverb used by Native American called “Indian givers” which signifies a present for which an equivalent return is expected.
I must remind you that Iranian regime perfectly recognise the competition between French and German or Japanese products. Although Iran’s ruling mullahs are violent, brutal, and reactionary but they are not stupid. They perfectly see the weaknesses of French products and can distinguish the difference between “ an apricot and a pearl”.
Mr. Régis Debray,
I understand that you fought alongside Che Guevara and lived in a hideout in the forests with Bolivian guerrillas. One of the lawyers on behalf of the French government who has reviewed the documents relating to your arrest and other French citizens in Bolivia has shared the following information with me:
“I had a meeting with one of the Bolivian’s Genral who discovered the whereabouts of Che Guevara and Régis Debray and consequently was able to arrest them. I started reading the documentation and asked him how the French Militia was captured. The Army Genral replied with a grin, we first captured the young, frail, and weak French. I started his interrogation and asked him where his friends are. I said if he does not cooperate with us, the death squad will take care of the situation without any trial. The young French man trembled with fear and immediately said he’ll cooperate with us fully. Then he guided us to the hideout of Che Guevara and a few others and we were able to arrest all of them”.
Mr. Régis Debray,
The event happened a long time ago, but you neither as a historian nor as a guerrilla have ever told the truth. Unfortunately, your support of the Iranian regime has left me no choice and forced me to publish this letter about the unanswered questions and the sad events that occurred in Bolivia. Unfortunately to discover the truth, we had to rely on Bolivian Army General and media run by imperialism.
I have a proposition for you. I suggest to you that instead of showing your sympathy for the leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran, you better start talking about your imprisonment in Bolivia and the arrest of Comrade Che in Bolivia. The truth will set you free and you will be respected more as a historian. If you have gumption, you have guts. It takes gumption to get thing done especially difficult things. I want you to show your true gumption and talk about your time with Comrade Che in Bolivia. It takes courage to talk about the truth. The simple step of courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has many strong supporters including President Obama, Industrial leaders of your country and other European countries, leaders of Davos conference in Switzerland, News agencies such as CNN, BBC, Euro News, and others. With all these support, Iranian Regime does not need neither you and nor your loyalty. I will suggest that it is time for you to tell the truth about the events that happened in Bolivia and the truth about your agenda for Iran.
Mr. Régis Debray,
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that your mission to Tehran and Qom has already been done by Roger Garaudy, the former General Secretary of the Communist party of France who has converted to Islam. These trips are not noble and you will lose your respect on your next trip to Iran. I am sure on your next trip to Iran, you will be heading toward the Ayatollah khamenei’s Palace and on your return you will talk about Islamic ideology and its kindness! You already have proven to be an opportunist and reformist. You should have a sense of duty and practice good ethics in your work. Basically, do not lie to yourself. Your actions can create a positive morale amongst historians, scholars, and politicians.
Indeed, you did not reach your glorious end, beginning your journey fighting in forests alongside Che for humanity, ending in Qom flattering and praising Ayatollahs.
In closing, to verify my stories, I have enclosed some of your pictures side by side with Comrade Che in Bolivia, your arrest in Bolivia, and the photo of you next to President Mitterand and his Prime Minster.
Hossein Zoharei (Bahram) Spokesman of
Organisation of the People's Fedaii Guerrillas of Iran (OPFGI)
info@iranian-fedaii.de http://www.iranian-fedaii.de
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With Ms Mitterrand
Postfach 12 02 06 60115 Frankfurt am Main Germany Fax: 00-49-221-170 490 21 E-Mail: organisation@iranian-fedaii.de Web Site: http://www.iranian-fedaii.de |