Long live the 45th anniversary of the February 1979 insurrection and the 53rd anniversary of the epic of Siahkal (day of the founding of the Organization of the People's Fedai Guerrillas of Iran - OGFPI)
February 8, 1971 recalls the determination of the Fedai Guerrillas of the People of Iran in the attack on the Siahkal gendarmerie guard post. The day when the heroic operation of the People's Fedayeen aimed at overthrowing the dictatorial regime of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was able to put an end to the legend of the invincibility of the monarchist regime. In addition, this operation put an end to all the years of inaction and betrayal of the Toudeh party.
The Siahkal operation succeeded in demolishing the Shah's so-called "island of peace", breaking the silence and inaction imposed in society and paving the way for the liberation of the Iranian people from the yoke of the regime dependent on imperialism. The influence of this historic day had such a significant impact on society that it is called the beginning of the new communist movement in Iran.
Since then under the influence of supporters of freedom and socialism, different layers of society began to openly fight against royal tyranny. With the support of intellectuals, teachers, students and high school students; the workers and the toiling strata of society prepared such an insurrection in Iran which on February 11, 1979 finally resulted in the fall of the dictatorial regime of Shah.
Objectives that were not achieved:
At this historical moment, due to the lack of experience of the revolutionary forces and the religious beliefs of the masses, world imperialism was able to divert the path of the Iranian revolution through a powerful propaganda campaign. In January 1979, during the Guadeloupe Conference, in order to preserve the capitalist system in Iran, the leaders of the four major Western countries (the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom and Germany) decided to remove the Shah from the country. And at the end of secret negotiations with Ayatollah Khomeini, they chose him in advance as the future leader of the country and so, three months before the fall of the Shah, they transferred him from Iraq to France .
And finally to finalize the project, Western countries placed elements of the Azadi movement led by Mehdi Bazargan such as pro-Americans like Ibrahim Yazdi, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, Abolhassan Bani Sadre, Sadegh Tabatabaï and others around Khomeini so that according to them, the future leader is no longer under their control. Before Khomeini's arrival in Iran, the tasks of these pro-American elements were already well determined. Because the vast propaganda of the previous months by the imperialist media already spoke of the replacement of the monarchist regime by the Islamic Republic of Iran (RII).
At this historical moment, safeguarding and guaranteeing the interests of the capitalist world in Iran required the preservation of the pillars of the previous system. Therefore, careful planning was carried out in order to keep intact the capitalist system, the army, the police, the intelligence service (SAVAK), the gendarmerie, the bureaucratic system and the organs of repression. And then all these institutions were decorated with a purely Islamic touch.
Despite all the measures taken by the United States and its allies, after Khomeini and his partners took power, they began to disobey. And the pro-American elements designated and placed to control Khomeini and the Islamists were unable to accomplish their tasks according to the original plan. On the other hand, the capitalist system has remained completely intact. But the elements of the Azadi movement were pushed aside one after the other. Once the RII was established, the daily life of the population did not improve. By adopting Islamic laws, the spread of Stone Age superstitions, the brutal elimination of political and sectarian opponents, the promotion of violence, Islamic retribution and punishment, separation and discrimination between men and women. women, the implementation of Islamic labor law, and etc etc, the IIR took the country 1400 years back.
Today, as we commemorate the courage, determination and sacrifices of the martyrs of Siahkal, we remember that after more than half a century of resistance and sacrifice, the oppressed people of Iran are still under the domination and exploitation of the reactionary Islamic and capitalist system. The causes of the insurrection of the People's Fedayeen in February 1971 against the Shah's regime still exist. The people's Fedayeen will continue their struggle until the liberation of the oppressed masses and the overthrow of the dictatorial regime of the RII.
On the occasion of the anniversary of this historic day, let us remember the 15 People's Fedai Guerrillas who fell martyrs in the fight against the dictatorial regime of the Shah:
Comrades Ali Akbar Safaei Farahani, Ahmad Farhoudi, Jalil Enferadi, Mehdi Ishaghi, Eskandar Rahimi, Shua Audin Mashidi, Mohammad Hadi Fazeli, Houshang Naïeri, Nasser Saeif Dalil Safaei, Mohammad Ali Mohadess Ghandchi, Hadi Bandehkhoda Langroudi, Ismael Moeyeni Iraghi, Mohammad Rahim Samaei, Ghafoor Hassanpour Assil and Abasse Danesh Behzadi.
Long live the memory of the martyred comrades and pioneers of Siahkal
Long live the memory of all those who fell martyrs during the February 1979 insurrection
Down with the RII regime
Long live freedom
Organization of Iranian Peopleís Fedaii Guerillas (O.I.P.F.G)
February 8, 2024