According to the Switzerland News Paper La Liberate
Iran has transferred 250 tons of its gold reserves out of Switzerland banks.
During last fall to prevent possible sanctions by the West, Iran transferred 250 tons of its gold reserves that were deposited in Swiss Credit Bank out of Switzerland through Zurich airport. Based on La Lieberte the figure might be even much more than 250 tons.
Edited by Roger Disbach
During last October and November 250 Tons of gold secretly was loaded to Iran Air charter planes at Zurich airport. Organization of Iranian Fedaii Guerillas- a communist movement opposing the regime in Tehran- believes from last October till now government of Iran has transferred 700 tons of gold and more than 20 billion dollars from its trust accounts in Western banks to Iran. This enormous transfer of funds is intended to avoid confiscation of Irans assets by the Western countries. These countries insist Iran to suspend its Uranium enrichment programs. This transfer of funds with the intention of putting the Irans financial assets out of the Wests reach in case of economic sanctions- shows that Iran is completely determined to pursue its experiments and tests in building nuclear weapons.
Although, it is hard to know the exact amount of the cash and gold that was moved out of Switzerland, but the Irans underground organization emphasizes that around 250 tons of gold was loaded on to the planes at Zurich airport destined for Iran. This organization provided us with official documents belonging to the Central Bank of Iran and we were able to obtain necessary confirmations on these documents in Switzerland. We were able to confirm that some of Irans gold reserves were kept in Credit Bank of Swiss prior to this transfer. This bank under the banking rules of Switzerland -regarding the confidentiality of the banking information of its clients- could not release its customers banking transactions and the amount of transfer. But it does not deny the existence of recent financial activities by Iran.
3 Charter Planes
The value of the gold returned to Iran through Zurich airport is estimated to be more than 5 billions Swiss Franc. There are indications that Irans gold was most likely kept in some duty-free ports in Switzerland, since it seems the Swiss restrictive custom regulations were bypassed by the Iranian authorities. Even more surprisingly, government departments and Swiss official deny such a transfer of founds to Iran has ever taken place. The gold has been transported directly to Iran. The sender was Credit Bank of Swiss and receiver was the Central Bank of Iran. Airplanes chartered by Iran Air to transport these assets were landed at Zurich Airport. How many planes were involved? The answer is at least 3 planes. With the valuable help and cooperation of the airplane inspectors, who publish monthly Jet Stream magazine at Zurich for past 46 years, we were informed that 3 chartered planes of Iran Air, one Boeing 747-200 jumbo on October 2005, and two Airbus A300 on November 2005, indeed had landed in Zurich airport. These 3 Iranian charter planes were seen by technicians of Jet Stream monthly, because to them planes landings from Iran Air in Zurich airport is so rare and unexpected. Furthermore, Iran chartering planes from other aviation companies to transfer its gold and assets was nothing but a surprise to the airport employees. Other sources confirm that one Iran Air jumbo plane on October 24th, and two Airbus A300s on November had landed at Zurich Airport.
High Level Leadership Meeting in Iran
One of the leaders of Iranian Fedaii Guerillas Organization (Minority) believes that Iranian top officials early in the Fall with the presence of Ayatollah Khamenei had a meeting. The following decisions were made in that meeting:
1- Iran will continue its uranium enrichment.
2- George Bush is in a dead-end situation in Iraq, CIA has been weakened; therefore, this organization can not launch and plan its aggressions and invasions as before.
3- United States needs the Iranian regime to get out of Iraq.
4- Also because of the divergence and separation in Likud Party and because of the infightings and disarray within the Israeli leadership, this country has been weakened as well.
5- Iran must take advantage of the current situation because it will not last forever. The West can get out of this situation and fortify its fronts, therefore, in its first attempt will confiscate Irans assets in foreign bank accounts.
The Iranian Fedaii Guerillas Organization adds that after this meeting, mullahs have contacted different Middle Eastern banks and financial institutions in the United Arab Emirate, Dubai, and Abu Dubai. Some of those banks belong to Ayatollah Rafsanjani and other wealthy Russians. High dollar figures belonging to Iran have been transferred to these banks.
Some of these financial institutions are not even able to meet their interest payment promises. Some of these assets have been transferred to Asian countries and are planned to be invested in important sectors of the economy in that part of the world. Ahmadi Nejat, the president of Iran, during his last February visit to Indonesia promised to his counterpart that Iran will invest in building an oil refinery in this big Moslem country. The cost of building such an oil refinery has been estimated to be 2 billion dollars.
Iran had 26 billion dollars in foreign banks especially in the European banks. OPEC believes that Irans oil revenue during 2005 has been 42 billion dollars.
They told us beforehand
The adventure of landing Iran Airs charter planes at Zurich airport, confirms the statements made by the high ranking Iranian officials in past few months. Talks that later were dismissed by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Ibrahim Sheybani the president of Central Bank of Iran on January, 19th 2006 in response to the question whether Irans financial resources have been transferred to Southeast Asian countries, said we transfer our financial assets especially oil revenues to the centers that we prefer. We have started doing this and will continue the trend. Davod Danesh Jafari, the finance minister of Iran on the same day announced that the West have no right to confiscate Irans assets. If they do this it would be in contradiction with their interests mainly because oil-rich countries which have significant and high amount of financial resources in foreign banks would become anxious and transfer their resources to safer places he added.
Shargh-Olosat newspaper cited from its sources in the Central Bank of Iran that Iran has decided to take its financial resources out of Europe, that in case of political or military confrontation they (Europeans) could not play their confiscation card against the country. According to this newspaper, Iran National Security Council ordered Oil Ministry and other financial institutions to transfer their financial resources from European banks to Asian banks such as Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.
Credit Swiss: Divorce without high risk
Two days after Iran accepted that it took necessary measures to secure its financial resources to avoid UNs probable sanctions; UBS bank of Swiss on January 22nd announced that it is putting an end to its relationships and terms with Iranian customers.
Serj Stiner, the spokesman of UBS bank said, We have started putting an end to our relationship with Iranian customers since last fall. UBS without mentioning anything regarding asset transfer of its clients added that they did not have any role in transferring Irans gold out of Switzerland. Switzerlands number one bank has significant banking activities in the US which raises the question whether UBS bank decision was the result of Americas pressures on them? We could speculate this especially because the same bank at the same day announced that it ended its relation with Syria- most American banks ended their relationship with Syrian banking institutions back in 2004. Serj Stiner denies this matter. Our decision was not political he said. If UBS decided to pull out from Iran the reason is very clear, we were not making enough money in that country.
One day after UBS announcement, Credit Swiss the other Switzerland bank made the same decision, but a lot milder decision. In short, Credit Bank of Swiss after analyzing the geopolitical situations and probable risks decided not to create new private financial relationships with any of its Iranian and Syrian customers. Unlike UBS, Credit Swiss does not want to cut off its trading relationship with those two countries. Central Bank of Switzerland believes that at the end of 2004 Irans financial resources at its banks especially holdings at UBS and Credit Swiss were up to 2 billion Swiss Francs.
A brief history of Iranian Fedaii Guerillas Organization
Iranian Fedaii Guerillas Organization was founded on Feb/08/1971. After peoples uprising against the regime of Shah and Islamic Republics takeover, there was a major split in this organization. Part of this organization so called Majority by accepting Toodeh Partys policies, started defending the Islamic Republic regime. The Minority branch, which represents the current Fedaii organization, went underground and started fighting with the Islamic Republic.
In past 20 years Iranian Fedaii Guerillas frequently have taken over Irans embassies in Europe. Organization activists on January of 1989 took over Iranian Consulate in Geneva. The documents obtained from there proved that consul general of Iran was involved in illegal arms deals. After the release of these documents regimes consul general was expelled from Switzerland.
Iranian Fedaii Guerillas Organization since 1995 has been pressured by the Frances intelligence agencies. This organization revealed that France-made Razit radars were sold to Iran and also French-Iranian companies illegally have been selling Iraqi oil in black markets.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
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