Honoring the 27th Anniversary of the 1979 Uprising.
Remembering the 35th Anniversary of the Siahkal Epic.
35 years ago Iranian Peoples Fedaii Guerillas (OIPFG) by attacking a gendarmerie base in Siahkal began a new chapter in revolutionary struggle of the people of Iran. Under the influence of this courageous attack different sectors of the society were drawn into the struggle against the dictatorial regime of the Shah. Penetration of the revolutionary ideas in the society gradually made the populous massive strikes inevitable. Finally unbearable condition of the working class brought the entire masses of Iran to the scene of the revolution.
February 7, 1978 was the peak of the revolutionary events and social uprisings in Iran. In this historic day, Fedaii Guerillas in frontline of the peoples struggle, attacked the Shahs centers of repression and uprooted the 2500 years of monarchism. Even though the regime of the Shah was toppled, but due to lack of experience in the revolutionary front, and lack of experience among the progressive forces, the direction of the revolution was derailed from its true course. This resulted in a reactionary compromise between imperialism and the heads of the new regime. The new regime, which took over in the days following the February uprising already had the trust of the US imperialism. In fact, months before the Shahs regime was toppled, secret deals were made on how to transfer the political power from the royal family to the Islamic Republic of Iran. These secret negotiations were made between US, Khomeini, and the other heads of the new regime. Therefore the regime, which replaced the royal kingdom, was in fact no different from its predecessor. The differences were all cosmetic and superficial. As far as keeping the capitalistic structure of the system intact, holding on to the repressive apparatus, and continuing to exploit the working class, no differences were seen through out the years which followed. Daily propagandas made by the Islamic Republic since its inception, were all to deceive the people and maintain the grip on power. Religious superstitious dominated the society since the takeover. In this day of age, no one with a right mind would praise a bloody eight year Iran/Iraq war as a Gods blessing. No one can claim economic poverty and austerity would bring closeness to God and his prophets. No one is willing to buy into the antiquated superstitious ideas as scientific innovations and discoveries. These absurd ideas can only come from the regime of the Islamic Republic and the heads of the religious theocracy, those who see themselves as Gods representatives on the Earth.
Since day one that the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran grasped the political power, it decided to turn its back and keep its distance from all of those who were pivotal in toppling the Shahs regime. Khomeini heavily relied on the most backward sectors of the society to suppress the progressive and revolutionary forces. He repeatedly praised the religious minded villagers and encouraged them to migrate to major cities to confront the growing progressive social opposition. Peasants were the last social sector to join the uprising. Backward elements from this sector were brought to cities to fortify regimes reactionary base and to use them to crackdown the revolutionary forces. Since Pasdaran paramilitary forces, which were founded by the new regime with the intension to suppress and butcher the revolutionaries, were not sufficient in fulfilling the regimes savageness, by a decree from Khomeini, his radical allies in other countries were brought in to help. Mojahedin Afghan, Hezbollah of Lebanon, Supreme Congress of Iraq, Badr Army of Iraq, even theologians from Pakistan, Kuwait, Turkey, and other countries were quickly put in power in prisons and other regimes sensitive security centers.
27 years ago people across different social spectrums, all united, rose against the dictatorial regime of the Shah. They stood up demanding a better life. They set their goals to abolish repression. Through their slogans and their banners they cried out freedom, democracy, and destruction of exploitation. Workers united with the countrys masses stayed on the side of the revolutionaries. Workers till the end were loyal to these slogans and proved determined in wanting a revolutionary and democratic government. Despite all the sacrifices by the working class and its vanguard, this regime has pushed the society toward destruction.
Right now workers of the Vahed Bus Transportation of Tehran and Vicinity have gone on strike, fighting for their vital demands. The majority of the opposition organizations, workers organizations, and people from other sectors of the society have moved on to defend them. Despite all the domestic and international pressures concerning the conditions of the Vaheds workers, government has continued its heavy handed crackdown. Right now and for more than 2 months hundreds of Vaheds workers and some of their syndicate leaders are imprisoned by the regime.
Brief comparison between the governmental institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Shahs dictatorial regime shows that all the necessary conditions that created the Siahkal uprising 35 years ago are emerging once again. Constant animosity towards the OIPFG by the regimes media, elements from the right and infamous betrayers such as Fedaii Organization (Majority) are there only to undermine the role of the OIPFG in the past. This only shows the fact that the theory and practice that was carried out by the OIPFG throughout the years still have a strong support within the society. Today 35 years after that historical event the young generation of Iran by using the valuable experiences of Siahkal, and the theory of the armed struggle can direct their struggle in a right course. Now with the current situation in Iran the new generation can easily see and understand under what conditions in those dark days armed struggle was planned and carried out by our organization. The current situation shows how this theory was put into practice throughout the 70s by the OIPFG. Deep poverty, harsh dictatorship, and lack of basic human rights in todays Iran remind us the years of 1970s. Everyone with some knowledge and understanding can see that the theory of armed struggle wasnt a carbon copy of this or that guerilla warfare imported from this or that country. Armed struggle in those days was formulated and carried out based on the economic and political conditions of the country. It was conducted under the harsh dictatorial conditions of the ruling regime.
In those days the working class and the masses of Iran were brutally repressed by the rampant dictatorship of the Shah. Today, once again similar conditions are imposed on our people, this time by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Those days as the time went on, Shahs savageness in confronting the revolutionary forces intensified. Under the Islamic Republic situation is deteriorating and worsening day by day. This regime has divided the opposition groups into friendly and unfriendly. First group if they end up in prison have the right to have visitors, can use their mobile phones, and can leave and come back to prison again as they wish. But no one will hear anything from the prisoners of the second group until their dead bodies are discovered in some mass grave many years later. If during the last years of the Shahs regime there was this big hoopla of anti price-gouging policy of the Shah, the leaders of the Islamic Republic Regime are among the top swindlers, bazaar traders, and plunderers of the public wealth. Therefore, to confront the current situation, it inevitably demands a carefully crafted strategy for an organized, and long-term armed struggle.
The international standoff over the Irans atomic program is rooted in the crises of the world capitalism. One trillion dollars budget deficit has pushed the US imperialism to take the path of its imperial ancestors and follow the expansionist policies similar to Tamerlane, and Attila. In past years we have witnessed that the US government by violating all the international laws in order to reach its economical and political goals, have air raided other countries relentlessly. Sometimes with a medieval style invasions have completely destroyed the infrastructures of those countries. From Panama to Yugoslavia, from Afghanistan to Iraq everyone has witnessed Americas role in policing the world. Since attacking the ancient country of Iraq, with the intension to exploit that countrys rich oil resources, have faced a fierce resistance from the heroic people of Iraq, US has failed to achieve its economic goals in the region. It has been a while that the conflict between Europeans and Americans over Irans lucrative market has escalated. Despite all the US push in recent years that the economic deals with the Islamic Republic must not exceed the 40 million dollars cap, the French company Total, alone, have made an oil deal worth 5 billions dollars with the regime of Iran.
Other European companies such as Siemens, Mercedes Bens, and many other Italian, British, Austrian, and Swedish companies have huge economic ties with the regime, worth billions of dollars. With no doubt the high volume of commerce between the Islamic Regime and the Europeans is not acceptable to the US policy makers. Since regime of the Islamic Republic believes that the European countries or countries such as China and Japan are less threatening to them and are not after plotting coup, or having a desire to overthrow them, therefore, having economic ties with them is more suitable. Regimes approach to Russia and America is with more caution, because the influence of these two countries could bring more danger for the entire institution. It is from this perspective that the people in Iran are cornered from two sides, on one hand by the domestic tyranny of the Islamic Republic, and on the other hand by the world imperialism.
Following the presidential election and after Mahmoud Ahmadinejads takeover the majority of the Western media, rightly so, talked about the lack of democratic conditions during the election. All of them admitted that Ahmadinejad was not peoples choice; in fact, he was imposed on people by the other heads of the regime. Apparently after Ahmadinejads denial of the Holocaust, the West has taken a new position against the Islamic Republic of Iran. These reactions have reached a point that the European leaders have started comparing him with Hitler and preparing themselves to confront him in a similar fashion. Ahmadinejads statements and the reactions by the European leaders require its own separate analysis, but it is worth noticing the differences between the two socio-economic conditions which brought these two regimes to power.
Nazi Germany in 1939 under the Hitlers leadership and Iran under the control of the Islamic Republic, are two different phenomenons.
First of all, the growth of Nazism and the emergence of Hitler during the1930s were the results of advanced militarism in Germany. In those days industrial machinery of Germany needed new markets to expand. It is similar to the conditions that the US is in today, which are regularly forcing the US to attack other countries, plunder their natural resource, and impose its hegemony on them.
Secondly, Hitler had the Germans behind him. His promise to give a free Volkswagen to every German was very attractive to the Germanys lower class. None of these two conditions are true for our country. Our countrys technological development is in a stage that is underdeveloped and its life blood is completely in the hands of the Western countries. Even though, Ahmadinejad is a murder and a criminal, but in no way has the support of the people. He has been selected by the other heads of the regime to save the system, and there are deep resentments towards him in the society. This type of comparison by the Western leaders lacks any merit. Islamic Republic as far as Irans technological development goes and as far as its domestic popularity is concerned differs from Nazi Germany of 1930s. Not noticing these historical facts can derail our struggle from its main course and put us on a path that Western countries have engineered for us. The West knows our countrys technological and nuclear capabilities and it doesnt seem to be such a major threat to them in a region where Pakistan, India, Russia, Ukraine, and Israel are all atomic states. Once again it is not the nuclear capabilities of Iran that has drawn the West towards military solutions, it is the US economic expansionism that is pushing the situation towards war. Recent experiences of Iraq proves that if even all the Irans atomic installations are dismantled overnight, still the horrific ghosts of war will not leave the skies of our country. After the nuclear issue it comes the issue of log-range missiles, since it is considered harmful for the security of Europe, Isreal, and the US! If even the missiles are destroyed, then it comes the recognition of Isreal, and then is time to pursue a foreign policy which is planned by the West for our country. In a nutshell, going back to the days of Shahs era and becoming a poppet country.
Meanwhile we should draw a line between opposing the Imperialist policies towards our country and falling into the trap of defending the Islamic Regime. Those operatives who have betrayed the people, and have aligned themselves with the West dont mind to mix these two. On the contrary, we should use the situation to form a truly democratic and revolutionary front to oppose the regime and try to settle our scores with the entire system, as is done with all the other dictatorial regimes.
In the past few days Mrs. Angela Merkel, German chancellor, in her trip to Isreal has apologized to the Jews for the Holocaust massacre. She then in a meeting with the defense ministers in Munich admonished the Islamic Republic of Iran and said this regime doesnt deserve such a high level contacts. Her remarks is a clear indication that the European governments through out the years have provided support to the regime in Iran and have helped one of the brutal governments of the history. It seems now after the Europeans have lost their control over the regime in Iran, Mrs. Merkel and few other European leaders regret their past policies! It is perhaps time for Mrs. Merkel and others in Europe who have supported the regime for so many years, in order to prove their true intensions, extend their apology to the people of Iran as well. In a similar fashion as she apologized to the Jews in Isreal. Perhaps it would be a pure naiveté to expect that Mrs. Merkel and others to apologize for their dealings with the regime which for almost 3 decades kept the regime in power. It will be a courageous on her part to take a step and reveal some of the illegal technologies that the Germany has sold to the regime. Or perhaps Mr. Chirac, French president, can go on to expose some of the illegal technologies, such as sales of its industrial atomic reactors, Razit radars, or other military equipments to the regime. Or more important France can order to shutdown the regimes spying center in Paris France, which is used to gather information about the opposition forces and work against the opposition activists in abroad.
Working Class of Iran,
Be assure that no foreign country or international center will assist us in our struggle against the Islamic Republic. To stop the unbearable repression of the brutal regime we must rely on our own determination. Only our unity can enable us to upend the repressive regime in Iran. Access to nuclear technology or lack of nuclear technology, as long as this regime is in power, has no direct impact on us. United we should work towards toppling the regime in a revolutionary manner.
Down With Imperialism headed by the US Imperialism,
Down with Islamic Republic of Iran,
Long Live Peoples Democratic Republic,
Long Live memory of the Martyrs of Siahkal, and 79 Uprising.
Long Live Socialism,
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
8 Fev 2006
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
A.C.P |