Tired of hearing about regimes version of freedom and civil rights in Iran?!
Here is the list of civil rights in Iran:
-Right to live, and equality for all citizens As long as government forces know where you are, where you live, and what you do.
-Freedom of speech As long as you dont speak against the government.
-Democracy and freedom for workers- With no right to have workers syndicates or independent labor organizations.
-Freedom of religion As long as everyone defends the Shiite sect and obeys the spiritual leadership.
-Peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries Provided that nobody shows any objection toward Islamic Republic of Iran, Shiite sect, and fundamentalism.
-Right for democracy Provided it doesnt end in political power sharing, which may harm democracy and peoples government.
-Right for personal freedoms Only if our social appearance follows the religious rules. No social contact for boys and girls.
- Right to work Only if we do not go on strike.
- Right to use the nature If it doesnt cause cleanup work for the city officials.
- Right to choose your doctor and medical plan only if you have money.
- Right to live in a good house. Only if you are part of the government mafia.
-Right to travel to other countries As long as you symbolize and represent the government.
- Right to criticize the government As long as you stay in a pre-set boundaries and dont go above the reformists limits.
-Right to establish friendship clubs and foundations Only if their members pass the government's filters.
-Right for street demonstrations Only if there is no slogan against the regimes leaders.
-Right to elect and being elected Only if we vote for someone from the list of Guardian Council (i.e., spiritual organization in government).
- Right to security Only if we compromise with the mosques and be recommended by the Revolutionary Guard and .
Well talk about the rest of the civil rights, and Islamic privileges in some other occasion.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
Postfach 12 02 06
60115 Frankfurt am Main