End of Presidential Election Show in Iran
Despite of a widespread boycott of the election in Iran, by the "will" of the "supreme leader" one of the regimes former members of the Revolutionary Guard with numerous murder cases in his background was chosen as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad wasnt just a mayor of the capital Tehran, he was one of the founders of Islamic Associations, a member of intelligence service, member of Hezbollah (i.e., Party of God), and an active member of Islamic Devotees groups. With the blessing of the organized forces in Khameneis House, Islamic Revolutionary Guard, and paramilitary Basiej, Ahmadi Nejad was appointed as president. Moving up in the regimes power structure and successfully passing all the ideological filters needs a very special and unique "talent" which Ahmadi Nejad got it all. After sweeping aside the "reformists" from the government posts and taking over the control of the parliament, it was time for the presidential post to be filled with a devoted fundamentalist, a member of "Islamic Eisargaran" (i.e., Islamic devotees). This way theocratic decrees, harsh verdicts, and words of God, coming from the "spiritual leader" will face less difficulty getting approved by the Guardian Council, parliament, and the devoted president.
At the present situation, regime being panicked about possible public uprisings, has made a calculated decision that in order to prevent any social uprising the power must be in the hands of few powerful clerics. It is in this regard that the post of the presidency is well suited for someone like the mayor of Tehran. From this point on the shape and the true nature of the regime will be more in sync and work hand in hand. From now on the task of execution, torture, order for lawlessness, and trampling of peoples rights will be carried out by someone who himself has been among the masterminds of public terror, by someone who was a member of a Tiger-skin terror groups in the past.
Presidential seat was the last bastion of power to be taken away from the rival "reformists" in order to consolidate the position of the fanatic fundamentalists. From now on the "supreme leader" can legalize and carry out the ideas of superstition of dark ages under the name of "development, simplicity, and virtue", with much less difficulty and pain. During his election campaign, Ahmadi Nejad shamelessly appeared in public with messy outfit as a member of Hezbollah (i.e., Party of God) just to represent himself as a manifestation of "simple lifestyle". Throughout his campaign he deceitfully tried to sell Islamic fundamentalism as an ideology of freedom and democracy. This line of thinking has encouraged him and his fellow friends to scream from down to dusk that happiness, beauty, and well being can only be realized through the dark windows of poverty, hardship, misery, and austerity.
Fellow citizens,
Recent election was a huge experience. One more time this election showed us that those who sided with the regime and disguised themselves under the name of "reformists", "democrats", only helped to prolong the life of the regime. Those who invited the people to participate in the election did nothing but betrayal. These groups and individuals only helped the regime to push the people back and try to keep the people away from the political scene. The Islamic Republic sees itself in a big turmoil; this regime even shows no mercy to a person like Rafanjani who has been one of the main architects of the regimes establishment from day one. If the survival of the regime requires escape goats, the system doesnt care to sacrifice its own elements such as Rafsanjani, Karrobi, Mohsen Rezaei, and such, only hoping to consolidate the grip on power.
For years the regime deceitfully has advertised "simplicity, un-lavishness, and austerity", and has made this its own main slogan. It is now clear that as soon as they creep to the helm of power they forget about their religious piety and start accumulating vast amount of wealth, money, and capital. As soon as they reach to the top they follow the footsteps of their "spiritual leaders" such as Rafsanjani, and Khamenei and create their own financial empires. As we saw in the 7th parliament election, candidates were saying cell phones are luxury items and not needed, but as soon as they took office, they wanted to pass laws for granting millions of dollars as loans to the members of the parliament.
Rafsanjani being swept aside, and exposing some of his financial dealings and his accumulated wealth, shows a deep division in the regimes power structure. This could deepen further and split the government and intensify the internal fighting among the government factions. Upon escalation of this infighting we shouldnt miss the chance and dont let once again opportunists, elements and groups connected to the world imperialism to change the course of the events in Iran and push the things towards their own interests. We must plan for such a unified and solid front that can bring together all the revolutionaries and real democrats and help creating a genuine alternative confronting the regime.
Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Long Live socialism.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
26 Jun 2005
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
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