Honoring 16 Azar (December 6th) 1953
More than half a century ago when Richard Nixon was visiting Iran, three university students where shot and killed by the security forces of the Shah's regime while protesting his visit. These students were: Mehdi Shariyat-Razavi, Ahmad Ghandchi, and Mostafa Bozorgh-Nia.
Now, so may years after that incident, student movement is still under repressive and dictatorial conditions. This time universities are controlled by the security forces of the regime of the Islamic Republic. In order for the regime to prevent students from honoring and commemorating that day, security forces have intensified their crackdown and intimidations at universities of Tehran, Bo Ali Hamedan and many other education centers. This year, despite all these pressures, student movement has prepared itself for honoring this historic day once again. Lately students have been seen chanting anti government slogans without any fear from government forces.
In past few weeks female students have been repeatedly harassed by the security forces of the universities for violating Islamic dress codes. Families of the student activists have been contacted and intimidated over the phone. Regime from its very inception has tried very hard to derail the student movement and take away the educational spirit from the universities and education centers by creating its own religious schools, mosques, and even cemeteries at the campuses. But each time students have pushed the regime back with more determination and resistance. Student resistance is not limited to universities and colleges, their demands has its roots in the demands of the working class and working masses.
Since the very survival of the dictatorial regimes is only possible with a support from imperial powers, the ruling regime in Iran has always tried to make compromising and dealing with the Europeans and Americans as one of its top priorities. The heads of the regime happy from Barack Obama's victory have started the countdown for starting the negotiation with America and meeting the new US president. If during the Nixon's visit three students gave their lives, this time around millions will take to the streets to denounce dealing and supporting one of the dreadful regimes of the history.
The Organization of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerrillas (OIPFG) at the anniversary of this historic day invites students and all the masses to voice their strong opposition against the regime of Islamic Republic.
Organization of Iranian Peoples Fedaiie Guerillas (OIPFG)
6 December 2008
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