We condemn the liberaton of two terroristes of the regime of islamic republic of Iran (RII) from german prisons
As official press agencies report, the german government soon will set free from his prisons two important terrorists from the regime of the RII. Im march 1992 Kazem Darabi and Abass Raël assasinated three dirigants of iranien kurdish democratic party PDKI and Nourri Dehkordi a fighter for iranian libery at the restaurant Mykonos in Berlin. Even if the german court of justice decided in 1997 that those murderers could never profit from an amnisty, it seems that secret tractations between the iranian and german regime aim at the liberation of those two iranian terrorist agents.
When in 1992 after the assasination of iranian opponents, the german state put in place the special court of Mykonos against the dirigents of iranian regime, it received hugue approbation from international public opinion. Apparently today, 15 years later, Germany comes to change his policy and choses reinforced compromise and general understanding with the regime of the RII. The recent declarations made by the german ambassador in Iran Herbert Honzvitz during his meeting with Fatemeh Alia, president of the commission for women of the iranien parliament, proove that Germany will continue in future his policy of compromise with the iranien dirigents, closing the eyes on the ambitions of the RII. While speaking to Fatemeh Alia, the ambassador said: «the tight relations and the recent meetings at high level from our two countries are consolidationg our parliamentary relations.» He went on speaking about the »increasing muslim population in Germany (4 millions)» and about the respect from german society for them.
We have to stress on the fact that this increasing community in Germany has nothing to do about iranian regime. First the biggest part of this community is sunni, second the biggest part of these muslim come from Turky. The iranian regime is a shia regime. By treating the question of increasing muslim population in Germany with iranian regime, the ambassador gives more and more importance to a reactionnary regime. The recent rapprochement of german-iranian relations, the liberation of iran terrorists from german prisons take their place in german policy of compromise and understanding with the aim to get more and more commercial and economic influence.
The Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas (OGFPI) condemn the decision of german government to set free the two terrorists of the regime of RII. The german government must stick to the ongoing condemnations of the regime of RII by the international organisations for not respecting Human Rights in dozends of cases and for the sentence to death executed by public hanging. There is no doubt that setting free terrorists and going on with a policy of compromise by the german government in relation with the islamic regime is not in the interest of iranian population and we condemn that firmly.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
13 october 2007
A.C.P- Postfach 12 02 06-60115 Frankfurt am Main-Germany-Fax: 00-49-221-170 490 21