31st Anniversary of the 1979 Uprising and 39th Anniversary of the Siahkal Epic
Feb-9-1971 was the day that Peoples' Fedaii Guerrillas by attacking the Siahkal Gendarmerie in northern Iran put an end to invincibility of the Shah and his secrete police SAVAK . At that time the dictatorial regime of the Shah was in its strongest position. Fedaii Guerrillas with strong determination in defense of the working class and masses of Iran launched their attack against the Shah's kingdom. Despite the full support that the regime was getting from US imperialism and the executions of the courageous Fedaii Guerrillas that followed, the flames of the fight continued to rage. On Feb. 1979 this struggle culminated into a nationwide people's uprising that eventually brought down the 2500 years of monarchism in Iran.
On February 1979 people of Iran stood up, united and determined, to topple the dictatorial regime of the Shah. Despite millions of people taking part in this nationwide uprising, the movement was derailed and was unable to achieve its original goals. Inexperience opposition forces, people's illusion towards religious institutions, and secret deal-making by the religious fundamentalists headed by Ayatollah Khomeini, all helped to prevent the 1979 uprising from achieving its true goals. Instead of demolishing and dismantling the repressive institutions of the old regime such as SAVAK, special secret agencies, and military apparatus, the old structure for the most part was kept untouched. Despotic government establishments survived unharmed and only the name of the government was changed from kingdom to Islamic Republic.
The new regime which came to power 30 years ago with the help of the US and other imperialist powers was much more brutal and backward than the old regime. On the political and economic front from its inception the new regime was on the side of the big capitalist merchants of the Bazaar and their bureaucratic partners. On the social front the regime was a symbol of darkness passing and imposing some of the harshest and antiquated religious laws and mandates.
Siahkal epic and 1979 uprising were the continuation of the unfinished struggle that was launched before the 1953 coup de tat. After 1953 coup, which was engineered by the US and its allies, the people of Iran never accepted the defeat and their struggle for freedom and democracy continued. Brutal crackdowns that followed the coup de tat were never able to silence and push the people back to their homes. History of the decades that followed shows thousands giving their lives and many ending up in prisons cells undergoing harshest tortures only to fight for their democratic rights.
The goals of the 1979 uprising were to establish democracy and freedom in Iran and not to put a theocratic regime in charge. Deep US penetration and influence in Iran's intelligence agencies and military structures prior to the 1979 uprising helped the US to orchestrate a second peaceful coup de tat in Iran. Soon people's democratic demands were silenced and the Shah's Kingdom was replaced with the Islamic Republic headed by Ayatollah Khomeini. The new regime was an unwanted regime imposed on people by the US and its allies when they realized their interests in Iran was in danger and they no longer were able to keep the Shah in power.
Looking at the documents and publications of the Guadeloupe conference shows that prior to this gathering Khomeini had dispatched his envoy Ibrahim Yazdi to America to discuss the form and structure of the government that he was contemplating in his mind. Similar promises were made to France by Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, Khomeini's so called "mobile ambassador". France was told Khomeini had no plan putting French interests in danger. It was because of all these promises that then the French president Giscard d'Estaing recommended Khomeini as a hopeful replacement to his American counterpart Jimmy Carter. Mr. Hassan Nazih who later became the first Oil Minister in Khomeini's government and who was the contact person between Khomeini and Shahpour Bakhtiar, said that the new Islamic government was the byproduct of the coup de tat that was engineered by Sullivan the US ambassador in Iran at the time.
It's not a secret to anyone that in the months prior to the Khomeini's transfer from Iraq to France, which was facilitated by the US and its allies, supporters of Khomeini in Iran were small. All the exaggerations and advertising that the mouthpieces of the West such as BBC were conducting in those days created such an iconic and divine personality for Khomeini that some laymen on the streets of Iran believed they have seen Khomeini's picture being engraved on the face of the Moon! All the material and moral support that Khomeini was getting from the West paved the path for a second peaceful coup de tat in Iran that brought the new regime to power on February 1979. From that point on people's struggle to topple the new theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic became an ongoing fight. People didn't sit and watch, revolutionary forces continued to fight back the new despotic regime. For 30 years revolutionaries created some of the most heroic moments in our history fighting the regime of Islamic Republic. The working class of Iran never left the scene of the struggle and was always present. Throughout these years, oppressed people of Iran from Kurdistan to Sistan-Balochistan, from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan, and all the way to Khozestan continued to fight the regime. Democratic and revolutionary forces of Iran and all those who had their hearts set for democracy and freedom were always there to fight. Even though after many years the regime of Islamic Republic is still in power, but it has never been able to manage to stabilize itself and always has lived in the shadows of fear and eventual collapse. If the former regime of the Shah after the 1953 coup was able to somewhat stabilize itself and announce Iran as being an "island of stability and tranquility", the Islamic Republic was never been able to live without the fear of collapse. The heads of the regime see no place in the world for themselves so that they can live in peace and be accepted.
After the recent events regime's authority has been shattered in public eyes to a point that it no longer can rule without relying on its brutal crackdown at gunpoint. This regime has shown over and over that is willing to commit all types of brutalities in order to keep itself in power. Some in the government even show no mercy to their own children and to their own sons and daughters. There have been cases that some in the regime have sent their own children to the fire squads because they were against the regime. Comrade Rashid Mollahasani and his brother Rahim were arrested and later were executed with the execution order that came from their father. Sons of the Ayatollah Ghillani head of the "Revolutionary Courts" had similar destinies. There are more of these instances. Mass executions in government's prisons in 1989 and the years that followed are dark chapters of brutality and shame in the life of the Islamic Republic. Dark moments which will never go away or forgotten.
Post-election events and some of the misunderstandings that followed
The movement that followed the presidential election cannot be colored green or yellow. People of Iran are well informed about their rights and their role and position on the world stage. They know well that they need to fight for their rights and demands that are taken away from them for so many years. Election fraud was a pretext to take to the streets and to display a deep rooted resentment and dismay towards the regime and its institutions. In the aftermath of the events that followed the election some of the present and former heads of the regime decided to realign themselves with the sweeping revolutionary movement. People were able to use these former elements of the regime to expand the scope of their fight and to reach out to more people. Public statements made by Mir Housein Mosavi, former Prime Minister of the regime, about fraud in presidential election was used by the people to justify their street demonstrations. When Mehdi Karobi, former head of the parliament, spoke about some of the tortures and prison abuses, it was time for the people to use the moment and expand their fight against the regime. Utilizing some of these tactics were not in any way an endorsement or approval for these individuals as future leaders of the movement. It is from this perspective that no matter what position these former heads of the regime might take in the future or what type of compromises they might cook up with the rest of the regime, it is not going to stop the people's ongoing struggle. People have stood up to create and establish a free and democratic system of government by toppling the ruling oppressive regime.
Who are some of the elements who claim to be the leaders of the "green movement"?
Lately a group of individuals, some connected to US policy circles and some who have been part of the regime's power establishment, with the help of the imperialist mouthpieces such as BBC, are trying relate the entire ongoing movement to "green movement". This so called "green movement" started with the financial backing of the Rafsanjani's family and other wealthy Bazaar individuals. They wanted to gather behind Mosavi by creating a united front against Ahmadinejad hoping to recapture some of their lost positions. They wanted to create a united alternative against Ahamadinejad and his associates who have monopolized large portions of the national wealth and economy in their own hands.
Some of the main figures of the "green movement" are the following individuals: Mohsen Sazeghara, Abdolali Bazarghan, Abdol Karim Soroush, Akabar Ghangi, Mohsen Kadivar, Seied Ataollah Mohagerani, Mohsen Makhmalbaaf, Masoud Behnood, Ali Reza Norizadeh, and some in the leadership of the "Majority" organization. This group is accompanied by a rainbow of other individuals including: former elements of the regime, former informants, members of the Iran's intelligent agencies, and other infamous corrupt characters.
These elements who sometimes operate under such ridiculous names as "Room of Fac", "Five Intellectuals", and other similar names are fed by BBC and few other web sites. Leaders of the "Majority" organization who for so many years collaborated with the regime and were in contact with the heads of the Islamic Republic's intelligent agencies such as Hajarian and Akbar Ghangi have no shame to waste pages and pages of their publications praising Mosavi and Karobi as their "future leaders". Farokh Neghahdar one of the elements of the "Majority" organization acting as a "brain" of this organization has no shame to publicly defend these "leaders" and publish articles in some of the websites such as Jaras connected to Mosavi's camp. He is proud to advise others not to damage the reputation of the "leaders" of the so called "green movement". He feels worried that people might lose their trust and turn their back on these new "courageous and honest leaders".
Other "leaders" of the "green movement" who are operating from inside Iran for the most part one way or another either have been associated with the government in the past, or have been part of the regime's notorious intelligent apparatus. Some are former members of the Sepah Pasdaran paramilitary force. They are in same class as former interrogator of the regime such as Mohsen Makhmalbaaf, or Akabar Ghangi one of the vocal and zealous members of the Sepah Pasdaran.
People's movement in Iran is victoriously marching ahead and keeping its distance from all those who, directly or indirectly, have been part of this regime in the past. This movement hasn't relied on any of these individuals for directions and at the end it is the people's heroic struggle that will determine the destiny of the Islamic Republic.
All revolutionaries and combatants,
- For many years the heavy burden of this revolutionary struggle has been on the shoulders of the Iran's working class. With their active participation they will not allow any individual or organization to take advantage of the situation.
- Women in the past have played a crucial role in shaping up the struggle. Without their direct participation Iran's revolutionary movement will not succeed. Women with their active participation once again will prevent and foil all the plots and conspiracies against the movement.
- Oppressed ethnic people of Iran have no control over their destiny under the current regime and have been deprived from their basic socio-economic rights. They have fought against the central rulers in the past and will defend their rights again this time around.
- Students always have been in forefront of any class struggle, they always have been involved fighting for student rights and demands. How can they now remain silent and compromise with those who not far ago were on the opposite side with the regime fighting against the students? In the aftermath of the recent events many of the students have been arrested and undergone harsh tortures and imprisonments. Students will stay on the revolutionary path drawing a line between their just movement and all the "green" or "yellow" hooplas.
- Revolutionary and combatant organizations of Iran throughout their 30 years of struggle and resistance against the regime of Islamic Republic have had irreversible and expensive losses. Now that the people have stood up and have come to the streets, our responsibilities have increased dramatically. It's our responsibility and obligation to expose the true color of the "green movement" and their leaders. At this crucial moment in our history it is our job to let the people of Iran know about the counter-revolutionary nature of the individuals and organizations such as "Majority". We need to let the people know about the main reasons why people like Mosavi and Karobi are in odds with their old friends and partners in the regime. If the plan was for people like Saieed Hajarian:architect and co-founder of the regime's intelligent apparatus, Mosavi:Khomeini's handpicked Prime Minister, or for Karobi: head of Mostazafan Foundation and speaker of the parliament, to be our leaders then why we had to pay such a hefty price for 30 years? Throughout these years tens of thousands of revolutionaries and freedom lovers gave their lives for freedom and justice, and all these cannot go in vain. Hundreds of thousands ended up in regime's prisons and underwent harshest forms of tortures. If we wanted individuals like these to be the leader of our nation then why for so many years millions of Iranians had to leave their motherland and live in foreign lands in exile. We have to let the young generation of Iran know about the heroic resistance of the past and do not let the former associates and partners of Asadollah Lajevardi (head of Evin prison) to decide and plan for the future of Iran.
Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran,
Long live Peoples' Democratic Republic,
Long live memory of the martyrs of Siahkal and 1979 uprising,
Long live Socialism.
Organization of Iranian Peoples' Fedaiie Guerillas (OIPFG)
08 February 2010
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