Riot Police Opens Fire on Demonstrators in Shiraz/Iran
At 10:00 AM Friday November 22nd more than one thousands students took to the streets of Shiraz demonstrating against the Islamic Republic of Iran. These demonstrations started from Aram dormitory of the University of Shiraz and moved to Elm square and then to Namazy square. Soon government anti-riot forces moved in and tried to circle the students at Namazy square. While more than one thousands students were chanting anti-government slogans the riot police started attacking and beating the students without any notice. At this time more people started joining the demonstrators and people were chanting down with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Government security forces started opening fire on people and using teargas as the demonstrations escalated.
Many were wounded and some were arrested. No report has been issued on the status of those who were arrested. A female student while being dragged and beaten by the police was trying to ask the people to contact her family and inform them about her arrest. Her family was immediately notified by some of those who heard the contact message. Throughout the fighting many nearby residents had their doors open to let in the demonstrators who were chased by the police. Some of the government forces who were deployed to the scene could not speak Farsi and were of Arab descend.
Organization of Iranian Peoples Fedaii Guerillas (OIPFG).
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