August 18 th
Six People Were Killed by Revolutionary Guard in Semiram* Esfahan After
People tried to takeover the Government Building.
Saturday Augest 16th, thousands of Semiram residents gathered to protest re-mapping of the region and separating Vardasht from Semiram. The government of Islamic Republic of Iran recently has decided to annex Vardast and its more than 100 villages to the city of Dehaghan.
On Saturday August 16th to show their opposition thousands of people gathered in front of the city hall in Semiram. Government forces scared of the situation started attacking the crowd. People managed to takeover the city-hall building. As the fighting intensified and continued to spread to other parts of the town, more and more armed forces were deployed from neighboring major cities of Esfahan and Shahreza. As more security forces were added to control the situation, the fighting continued to spread further throughout the town.
The heavy fighting continued till yesterday August 17th more people were reported killed and wounded. Three government forces were also killed in the fighting. More than 200 people were wounded and some of them are in critical condition. The whole town is under marshal law and the government is refusing to handover the bodies of the six who were killed last Sunday.
So far hundreds of people have been arrested. Some members of the government forces are also taken hostage by the people. Some fanatic Moslems from Soviet republic of Azerbaijan are also among the hostages taken by the people. They have been recruited and trained as special forces to serve and fight for the government side-by-side of the Pasdaran Revolutionary Guard. In Augest of last year, special division of the Pasdaran Revolutionary Guard imposed a bloody battle on farmers of Semiram. At that time farmers of the region were protesting the government's irrigation plans for digging water wells near their farms.
* Samiram is part of Esfahan province in south central Iran with a population of 100000 .
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
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