Devastating Earthquake Kills Thousands in Iran
Strong earthquake kills thousands of our fellow citizens in the historic city of Bam and its surrounding districts early morning on Friday. Official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) and other news organizations put the magnitude of the earthquake at 6.3 degree on Richter scale which hit the region 5:28 in the morning. So far thousands of bodies are taken out of the rubbles. Many of the wounded are in critical condition. Unfortunately the main hospitals of the city are completely destroyed. Many of the wounded are taken to field hospitals for treatment.
More than 90% of the ancient city of Bam with many of its archeological sites is flattened. So far there is no accurate report on the exact death toll or the number of injuries. Despite the fact that the province of Kerman and the city of Bam are located on the earthquake fault, with previous earthquake in 1991 killing thousands of people in the region, government officials ignorant of this fact have taken no preventive action. In last many years the regime has done nothing for the region but to profit from the lucrative tourist industry there. Many groups of foreign tourists visit these historic sites regularly. Despite all the official news announcements, government officials in the region are acknowledging and admitting the lack of sufficient facilities there. Minimal facilities in the region are not enough to allow treatment of so many who are injured. Very limited facilities in the region have made the search for dead bodies trapped under the rubbles very difficult. It is time for all the revolutionary and progressive forces and individuals to rush to the help of their fellow countrymen with whatever possible means and resources available to them.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerillas
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